Saturday, August 15, 2009

Follow This Link

Do you have allergies? This is a good link for more information about allergies.

Sorry About The Delay!

We are sorry about the delay! We will start posting soon!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Under Construction

We apologize for any inconvenience, but our site is currently under construction and news posts will not appear until March 4th. Instead, visit for more news.
Thank You,

Friday, February 13, 2009

The History of Valentine's Day

Every holiday has a history, especially this one. The man behind the story is Valentine, a priest who served during the time of the Roman emperor, Claudius II. Back then, arranged marriages were the law, but Valentine held secret un-arranged marriages that were not known by the emperor. When Valentine's actions were discovered, he was placed in prison. While there, he sent a card to the jailer's daughter that said "From your Valentine". That was how the valentines started. Shortly after wards, he was executed. The day was February 14th. In the 19th century, valentines were being mass-produced and then candies came into the scene. All that's left is to say "Will you be my Valentine?"

What Really Caused The Peanut Butter Recall

On Thursday, the Texas Department of State Health Services issued an order to recall all peanut products that were made in the peanut Corporation in Plainview, Texas due to the discovery of dead rodents, their remains and bird feathers. This oder applies to all products that were made in the last two years. The ventilation system at the plant took in debris "from the infested crawl space into production areas of the plant resulting in the adultreration of exposed food products" a health departmen news release said. The manufacturing operations were stopped Monday night. This poisoning, also found at the company's other plant in Blakely, Georgia, has been linked to the recent national outbreak of salmonella poisoning which has affected 600 people and killed nine.

Friday, January 30, 2009


We would just like to apologize for a slight mistake. Our sports specialist has told that his actual name is Alfredo Smith. Again, we apologize.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Crazy Weekend in Sports! (continued) By Sports Specialist Daniel Plassa

This past weekend in sports has been a crazy one! The first game out as the battle for the NFC title with the Philadelphia Eagles playing against the Arizona Cardinals, the Cardinal's home state of Arizona. It looked like the Eagles were ready to take on a challenge when safety Brian Dawkins pumped up his team as he usually does. The Eagles were ready. But not for long! As soon as David Akers kicked that ball, the game was done! When Kurt Warner held that ball, he was on fire. The Cardinal's first drive had resulted in a touchdown. Then the Eagles came back for a field goal (7-3). Then the Cardinals made a play that changed the game a flea flicker. A throw to Kurt's running back then right back back to him for a beautiful pass to Fiztgerald over Quinton Mikel's head for a touchdown. By that point everyone counted the Eagles out. But in the second half the Eagles came back to lead it 25 to 24 in the 4th like they always have since the game that got them into the playoffs. But the clock was winding down the Cardinals scored, sending them to the Super Bowl for the first time in 61 years. A sad upset for Philadelphia. But at least Philly can still say "WE won the World Series!"

A Crazy Weekend in Sports!

Monday, January 19, 2009

What Will You Be Doing on Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday?

This year, this day is extra special thanks to Barack Obama. Before it was only a day to commemorate Martin Luther Ling Jr. and his work. And now, because we have an African American president, it can be considered a day to celebrate the his success along with Dr. King's. This year, it is a trend to volunteer to help the needy and other helpful things within your community. Barack Obama will be joining a community renovation project. And you? What will you be doing on Dr. King's birthday?

Friday, January 16, 2009

A Miracle In the Hudson

Just this week, a miracle happened on the Hudson. A US Airways pilot safely landed a plane on the Hudson River. The miracle part is that no pilot is ever taught to do this. And everybody survived. But help also came from nearby ferries who stopped to take aboard passengers. It all started because a few birds got caught in the engine and the pilot in his fifties managed to do the impossible: land a plane in water. Because of this valiant act, the pilot will be awarded a medal of high honor.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Update on the President-Elect

  • Obama has limousine that has an oxygen supply system, is bulletproof and can survive a rocket blast.
  • Has his own cognac by Hennessy with the #44 on it.
  • Keeping Bush's attorneys for now.
  • Rents a house a step away from the White House.
  • His limousine will make its' debut on Inauguration Day.
  • Michelle Obama has a dress made her for Inauguration Day.
  • Nearly everything has something to do with Obama; a line of merchandise has been released.

This Week in Picture; George Bush gets $40 Million Dollar House; Obama gets a limousine

George Bush get $40 Million Dollar House in Dallas, Texas

While fulfilling his plans for a life after the White House, soon-to-be-out-of-office President George W. Bush bought a $40 million dollar home in Dallas. This home is situated in a very rich neighborhood. He says that he bought the home because his wife, First Lady Barbara Bush, wanted something different besides the ranch. Even though they will not be living there just as much, Bush plans to still tend to his ranch/ former home.

P.S. Remember to check out the Bush Poll at the bottom of the page.

Please Welcome Our New Sports Specialist!

Please welcome a new member of the news crew. His name can't be revealed, but we can definitely say he knows a lot about sports! This fellow just joined this week and will start printing the news by next week. and as usual, if you have something to say, please put it into the comments bin. An official welcome!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

This Week in Pictures
A new blog coming up: Rockets into Israel: Salute to Vienna visits
Be sure to visit the future Gaza has decided to fight back visits for the 14th time!
weekly cheese blog for By shooting rockets into Israel.
all the other news. (Truly pleasant, isn't it?)

We aren't the only ones for news: Visit the Weekly Cheese Blog

We aren't the only ones: there are other places to see the news. Coming soon to is the Weekly Cheese Blog. The Weekly Cheese is an interesting newspaper created by a bunch of 6th graders. The Cheese is the revised edition of your typical newspaper; much more interesting than the one on your doorstep. Unfortunately, the blog won't be open until Friday the 9th, or maybe next week. We here will keep you posted.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Actor Factor

Do You Know The Answers?
Leave your answers in the comments section!

1. Which actor from the movie Leaving Las Vegas stars in National Treasure?
2. Who plays the part of the main character in Valkyrie?
3. Who plays Mrs. Lovett in Sweeney Todd?
. Which part does Eddie Murphy play in Shrek?

This Most Interesting Weekend in Sports

This weekend will definitely be an interesting one, as you might have been watching the Philadelphia Eagles will be playing the New York Giants. Yesterday, January 5th, the Eagles beat the Minnesota Vikings 26 to 14. On December 28th, the Giants lost to the Vikings in a close, 20 to 19. Who do you think will make it to the Super Bowl? This Thursday is Wear Your Team's Jersey Day a.k.a Go Eagles! or Go Giants! Days. Remember to show your team spirit!

Salute To Vienna, The World's Greatest Concert, enters its' fourteenth year

Salute to Vienna, The World's Greatest Concert, enters it's fourteenth year. Salute to Vienna, an amazing, festive celebration of Vienna's greatest songs and composers, visits the U.S. and Canada once again. Finishing on Monday, January 5th, 2009, Salute to Vienna lived up to it's title. It has stopped in all of the major cities of America and Quebec. If you ever attend, you will hear the most famous and greatest songs composed by composers such as Johann Strauss and Franz Lahar. Sung and danced by the people of this musical land, the Orchestra fills the room with joyful music to welcome the New Year. Just recently, the concert came to Philadelphia's Verizon Hall in the Kimmel Center. They played and wonderful show and everybody had a wonderful time. To get your tickets for next year, go to
or call 1-800-545-7807. Enjoy!

They Don't Want To Stop and Gaza fights Back

As the Gaza air strikes enter their 10th day, Israel refuses to stop. Despite pressure from other countries and the U.N. Israel believes that this action is one of importance. On Friday, an air strike killed an important Hamas leader. So far 500 have been and now Gaza will strike. They have begun to fire rockets at Israel despite the hundreds of troops massed on the border. "I can understand the eagerness of the international community to see the return to calm," Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni told European foreign ministers in Jerusalem. Neither leaders show any signs of cease-fire.