Friday, February 13, 2009

The History of Valentine's Day

Every holiday has a history, especially this one. The man behind the story is Valentine, a priest who served during the time of the Roman emperor, Claudius II. Back then, arranged marriages were the law, but Valentine held secret un-arranged marriages that were not known by the emperor. When Valentine's actions were discovered, he was placed in prison. While there, he sent a card to the jailer's daughter that said "From your Valentine". That was how the valentines started. Shortly after wards, he was executed. The day was February 14th. In the 19th century, valentines were being mass-produced and then candies came into the scene. All that's left is to say "Will you be my Valentine?"

1 comment:

  1. Had been listening stories from my parents about history of valentines day and this post just reminded me my childhood. Thanks for the post.
