Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Under Construction

We apologize for any inconvenience, but our site is currently under construction and news posts will not appear until March 4th. Instead, visit for more news.
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Friday, February 13, 2009

The History of Valentine's Day

Every holiday has a history, especially this one. The man behind the story is Valentine, a priest who served during the time of the Roman emperor, Claudius II. Back then, arranged marriages were the law, but Valentine held secret un-arranged marriages that were not known by the emperor. When Valentine's actions were discovered, he was placed in prison. While there, he sent a card to the jailer's daughter that said "From your Valentine". That was how the valentines started. Shortly after wards, he was executed. The day was February 14th. In the 19th century, valentines were being mass-produced and then candies came into the scene. All that's left is to say "Will you be my Valentine?"

What Really Caused The Peanut Butter Recall

On Thursday, the Texas Department of State Health Services issued an order to recall all peanut products that were made in the peanut Corporation in Plainview, Texas due to the discovery of dead rodents, their remains and bird feathers. This oder applies to all products that were made in the last two years. The ventilation system at the plant took in debris "from the infested crawl space into production areas of the plant resulting in the adultreration of exposed food products" a health departmen news release said. The manufacturing operations were stopped Monday night. This poisoning, also found at the company's other plant in Blakely, Georgia, has been linked to the recent national outbreak of salmonella poisoning which has affected 600 people and killed nine.